Greeting Friends,
My sincere appreciation to the residents, supporters, and volunteers for their unwavering support since being re-elected in November 2022 as a State Representative. Since my first term in 2020, I have always been working for everyone in the District and Florida and will continue to bring dedicated,
caring, and dependable leadership to our communities.
I am humbled and honored to be the State Representative for Florida House District 105. During the recent 2023 Florida Legislative Session, I sponsored, debated, and fought for legislation which benefits the lives of Floridians. As in my first term, I delivered with my pledge to never forget the families,
businesses and communities which placed their confidence in me to address their needs and concerns. Some of the bills which I filed were signed into law and I was able to secure in the state budget over four million dollars for local projects.
As I seek re-election in 2024 for State Representative, my commitment is to continue the necessary work which can impact all Floridians in a positive way. My priorities will always be to seek solutions and programs to address the housing and property insurance crises, improve our education system,
accessibility to affordable health care; including mental health, promote environmental sustainability, enhance public safety, protect individual and voting rights, and establish public/private partnerships to foster economic development.
Everyday, it is a privilege for me to be a Representative who is always dedicated to being a strong voice for everyone in our local communities and in Tallahassee. I am always reminded that a “seat at the table” is essential to bring necessary change.
With You, We Can Continue To Make It Happen!
Your support is greatly appreciated.